12 OGOS 2010
alhamdulillah...perkahwinanku kini menghampiri 2bulan pd 19 Ogos 2010..life single ngn bergelar 'puan' ni obviously lain mcm sgt feel die..skrg i stay with my beloved husband..we try utk susah senang together2...biar kite susah same2 skrg,insyaAllah nant mane tau balasan atas kesabaran kite ni berbaloi-baloi...amin...
to my hubby..i tried to be a good wife for u...any problem we share n solve together..just want u to know that i sincerely love u...thanks 4 everything..
okla u all,ms jiwang2 da abis..skrg i nak msk dapur da..prepare 4 juadah berbuka..opss..lupa nak wish...selamat berpuasa pd sume blogger yg sudi singgah read my post..hihi..hope ramadhan thn ni kie lebih ikhlas n merendahkan diri dlm ape jua ibadah yg kite lakukan..amin...
peace no war...(',')