curi time tdo ni..tiba2 tfikir psl ni..friends..we all sume ade friends,tp susah bgt nk dpt da bes friend yg truly and deeply honest n caring kt kite..if ade pun 2sume mesti ade mksud trsirat..bak kta org "ade udang dsebalik mee kari"..hi2..its happend to me..since skool smpai kt "U" still ade makhluk2 sedemikian..but then,ape yg boleh n termampu ku buat;SABAR +bykkn BERDOA pd YANG MAHA ESA..bcoz HE already told us;everything happen 4 a good reason..if kite dberi ujian o dugaan,mean DIA sayang bangat kt ku mampu berdoa supaya org yg menganiayai ku akan mndapat balasan setimpal ngn ape yg dilakukan..smoga hamba ALLah itu diampunknNYA..amin..
instead of bad friends..still ade best Is very difficult in process to know her well..honestly,she is very different wit one like her yg pernah dtemui..cewah ayat seriously..byk die bg inspiration n courage to me..thanks a lot amy 4 being my best buddy..she love me lillahi ta'ala..i can feel it..
for future,all this moment happend to me akn ku jdkn as a lesson n i will be more careful to CHOOSE friends n being a friend..insyaAllah..God bless us hopefully..=)
till then,see u later..
if any of u read this,sorry if i am hurt others feeling,but i have to say it..i can't express by saying face to face..honestly,im so sick doing all this things by my own..nway,thanks 4 read n spent ur time..
dedicate to all my honestly to be my friends..thank you so much and i hope our friendship will be forever n DIREDHAI n diRAHMATINYA...AMIN..=)
my best buddy, aminah zawawi =)
yup..u are right..
ReplyDeletemmg amat susah nk cari kwn yg btol jujur dgn kita..